Optimising Muscle Growth: Finding the Right Training Volume

If you’re aiming to build muscle, striking the right balance between workout volume and recovery is key. 10 to 20 sets per week per muscle group is optimal for most individuals, achieving the balance between stimulus for muscle growth and adequate recovery. 

Understanding Training Volumes

  • Maximum Recoverable Volume (MRV): The training volume that allows your muscles to still recover efficiently. Typically, exceeding 8-10 sets per muscle group per session may lead to suboptimal results, as the additional sets could simply become 'junk volume.’
  • Beginner Recommendations: Beginners should start with 2-3 sets per session per muscle group and increase volume as they progress. This is enough to stimulate growth without affecting the recovery processes as your muscles adapt. 
  • Intermediate to Advanced Lifters: For those more experienced, 8-10 sets per session is generally most effective at 2x sessions per week. 
  • Addressing Lagging Muscle Groups: Temporarily increasing the weekly volume to 27-45 sets for lagging muscle groups during a 6-12 week cycle can be beneficial. Follow this with a maintenance phase to prevent burnout or overtraining.

When to Adjust Volume

It’s crucial to monitor for signs of overtraining, such as excessive fatigue or a decline in performance. If these occur, reducing the training volume slightly might be necessary for recovery

Volume Distribution

Splitting the total weekly volume into multiple sessions (2-3 times per week) rather than a single session helps manage fatigue and ensures consistent muscle stimulation.

Tailoring the volume of sets based on your individual needs and training status is an important training consideration. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your training plan to find what works best for you. More volume isn't always the answer; often, smarter training is!


Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-carrying-barbel-791763/